Data Collection Overview
The following data was collected throughout the semester from late August all the way till the last day of November. These data sets show the amount of steps taken the past 3 months, the different locations that I traveled to within New York, the total number hours that I slept throughout the semester each month, and the amount of steps and miles walked each month. The majority of my data reflects my traveling between school and my house.
Through my data that was collected throughout the semester I realized that school affected alot of the data. For example, in steps taken monthly, the drop in steps from July and August was 34,178 which was a really big drop. The majority of my data was not really consistent. There was a alot of drops and sudden increases, but then it kept dropping again which you can see in the amount of steps taken monthly. I also noticed that my average steps for November was the lowest which was 1,762.7 which is really low compared to my other averages for each month. My data mainly dropped and there was not any major increases in anything. The amount of hours slept each month also kept dropping, but the average was was still around 7 hours. Overall from the data that I collected I think I need to go out more during the semester because judging from my walking average, I have not been walking a lot and that most likely is not healthy.
Places Traveled
This map is pointing out all of my locations that I have traveled to for the past 3 months. This visual was made using my longitute and latitude data that was collected each day in different locations. Some of these places are within the New York boroughs such as Queens, Manhattan, Brooklyn and Long Island. The majority of the data that I collected is in Queens because that is where I live and go to school or travel within overall. The cirlces shown outside of the map is also my locations that were collected in Long Island. The light shaded circles show areas that I have only been to once or twice while the more shaded circles shows places that I went to more than at least 5 times. The places I have traveled to back and fourth the most is my home, the I building on campus and the South Ozone Park area in Queens.
Steps Taken Each Month
This line graph shows my walking data and the amount of steps that I took from March through December. While analyzing my own data I noticed that the amount of steps I took started increasing from March, but then decreased 15,096 steps in May. I also realized that my data began to rise after May which was when the semester ended and it increased all the way to July and peaked at 101,456 which was during the summer. Right after July my data then began to decrease during August because summer was coming to an end and that was when the new Fall semester was about to start. During the summer and fall semester my average steps taken ranged from 2,000 - 3,000 steps. My average was low because I spend the majority of my time in a car driving or taking public transportation to school and back to my house.
Miles Walked Each Month
This bar graph shows the total amount of miles that I walked in September, October and November. As you can observe, between the 3 months there was an increase in miles walked from Sepetember to October, but then it decreased by alot in November which reached 23.1 miles.The most amount of miles walked was in October which was 30 miles. The amount of miles I walk is fairly low because I focus almost too much on school and spend the majority of my time working on my assignments.
Hours Slept Each Month
This bar graph shows the amount of hours I have slept throughout the semester and my overall sleep average for each month. The numbers shown can be a bit more higher because the exported data from Gyroscope used in this graph kept skipping every other day or was missing certain days of the month. While analyzing my data the first thing that I noticed was that from September to November my data kept dropping. I assume it kept dropping because as the semester kept going my projects kept taking up a lot of my time the harder they got. Novemeber was a really hard month because that is the lowest amount of hours that I slept which was 135 hours compared to the previous months which were higher. My average hours slept each month was also around 7 hours, but my sleeping schedule was really bad.